Tuesday, March 10, 2009


whoever cares,

i would like theses shoes from anthropologie for summer. thanks.

love, kelsie

10 reactions:

Busy Bee Lauren said...

PS...Lauren would too.

Alexa Mae said...

P.S.S Alex would too.

The Brown's said...

Okay those are some dang cute shoes!! Those are a must have!!

Hardwick Family said...

Haha! Your funny! The shoes are cute!

Kaye said...

Are they expensive? They would be cute on you, and if we wore the same size I could buy them and we could share them! NOT!! Yellow shoes would make my butt look big! HEE HEE

Suz said...

Yes... I would like to buy those for you because you would wear them so well! One problem, I am fashionably delayed and therefor when I walk into that store people snicker and whisper and I feel a little barn like in my old fashioned farmer gear. SO... can we order on line?!!

hailee said...

ill get you some if you get me some...... NO need to answer now just think about my offer and let me know, you know my number.

Britney {Jesses Girl} said...

hahaha i loved this blog Kels


Laura Davis said...

Hey Girlie, I am so glad you founf my blog. Late congrats on the seeling and so sorry we couldn't make it we were out of town enjoying anniversay festivities. We should do lunch sometime, give me a ring 480-650-8927. Laura Davis

Ps. I too love those shoes and my pregnant feet would appreciate some flats, lets send a pic to both Adam and Heath, their smart they'll figure out what to do...actually we better just tell them to go buy them.

Jillene said...

Sorry hon, i can't help out with the adorable shoes but i wanted to tell you that i love Dr Seuss and this quote!

"Be who you are and say what you mean because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
-Dr. Seuss

and it is GOOD to know that I matter :) i love you just the way you are... which is AMAZING!!!